Saturday, July 31, 2010

Teenage girl needing weight loss advice?

Hey guys, I'm a 16 year old girl and I need your help. I have struggled with my weight for sooo long, I mean, ever since I was about 10, I have undergone pressures from my family, especially my dad about my weight. I have tried pretty much everything there is; fad diets, throwing up, starvation, crazy excursive and so on. But nothing ever seems to work and now that it's summer, I really wanna loose some of that weight. So can anyone help me come up with a healthy plan or SOMETHING...ANYTHING that will help me and show results in a 2 month period. thank you!Teenage girl needing weight loss advice?
Starving yourself will not do the trick. If it was that easy, I'd stop eating. When you starve yourself, your body holds on to all your fat reserves in case you're going to have some sort of famine. It worked for our answers.. its a pain for us :/

I used to have a weight problem too but I'm proud to say that i've lost 20 lbs and love my body. The two key elements are eating well and exercising.

Eating well consists of eating a balanced but small meal. If you're doing it the right way and exercising rigorously, make sure you eat a lot of protein but not so much fat or calories (eat egg whites only). Three meals a day with two snacks of a fruit or vegetable no dressing) is fine. You dont want to starve yourself but its ok to be a little hungry. If you're hungry, drink water and ONLY water. You waste so many calories on juices or milk or alcohol, its so not worth it. Juices are ok if they're fresh squeezed.

The best way to drop weight is cardio. Run, do jumping jacks, run, jump rope, run, swim laps, run, and also don't forget to run. You can tone your body with weights, lunges, crunches, etc. Try popping in a workout video every night.

It's supposed to hurt and you're supposed to hate it but trust me it's worth it. You have one body and one life and this is your only chance to be sixteen. Good luck!Teenage girl needing weight loss advice?
i doubt ur fat. every girl thinks theyre fat at about 13 or so. try dieting if ur so caught up on it. work out

run everyday for 20-30 minutes.


not junk food

and dont throw up! u could become anerexioc. or do u WANT that so u can be sooooo skinny its not healthy? srry but im not really that fat soooo............. i got nothin else
eat healthy, create a diet special for you. measure your calories, instead of bacon and eggs, get a bagel, and milk.
diet and exercise. no pain no gain!
your too young...

my advice and best solution

exercise and do a health diet..

safe and health...
Try slim-quick. I use the packets that you put in your water bottles. They taste good and they make you full so you don't want to eat as much. It's a little expensive, about 30 bucks, but worth it. You might need a parent or somebody to get it for you because I think you may need to be 19 to get it. It makes you full, but you still need to eat. Just eat healthy-fruits and vegetables, a little bit of meat. Don't eat big meals and another trick is to eat slow and chew your food all the way. It makes you fuller faster. Use fat free and light dressings and spreads and don't add extra stuff like cheese to a salad for example, or cheese and bacon to a baked potato. Eat smaller portions, sometimes our eyes are bigger than our stomachs and that could be bad because we'll eat it anyway.

Hope I helped!
First and foremost, you should find out your Body Mass Index (BMI). It should tell you if you are at a healthy weight, obese, underweight, etc. (This is a better indicator of how much you need to lose or gain...and more scientifically accurate than someone else's opinions).

The best advice I can give you to lose weight and keep it off is eating healthy and getting plenty of exercise. Don't try to lose 10 pounds in 1 week, take your time. It is very easy to lose a lot of weight very fast with fad diets, starvation, etc. but you will gain it all back (and then some) soon after. I lost 20 pounds in 8 months and have kept it off just by eating healthy and exercising. Fad diets never work since they deprive the body of some necessary elements...ultimately leading to health issues or recurring weight control problems.

I don't mean crazy super exercising, but a reasonable 30 minutes to an hour 5 days a week of cardio. This way, you don't tire your body too much or make your regiment too daunting to continue. If you try too much right away, you will end up giving up. Therefore, take your time and don't do more than your body can do. You can damage muscles and cartilage that way. Vary your routine so you don't get tired of it. Over time, you will find that you can do more and more....but don't be afraid to take your time getting there.

You should keep a positive attitude and love your own body regardless of what others think. Remember, you are in charge of your body and if you think you are beautiful, than nobody can tell you otherwise. If your dad pressures you, don't let it get to you. You know what you need for yourself. Good luck!

DON'T THROW UP ON PURPOSE!!! It is one of the worst things you can do. It damages your esophagal tissue and starves your organs! Throwing up, along with starvation, can lead to heart attacks at early ages, permanently damage bone and tissue structure, and can lead to death. It can also lead to eating disorders.

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