Saturday, July 31, 2010

I'm a silly teenage girl, in need of advice.?

Alright, i'm a lesbian, ';but nobody knows...'; I havn't directly let anyone know anyway. And there is this beautful, perfect girl, (she is gay too.) only i'm not brave enough to tell her ';I ADORE YOU!';. Though I continue to try and make conversation with her, it just comes out as akward, like i'm socially inept. I am about to let go of this crush because I feel that if she had any interest in me at all, she approach me. The thing is she may be shy. I'm just afraid of rejection. How do I deal?I'm a silly teenage girl, in need of advice.?
Start up a conversation, small enough where you are comfortable. Eventually the subject of dating will come up and you can get a good gague of how she feelsI'm a silly teenage girl, in need of advice.?
dont be afraid to show it im by and my family and friends now me and my girl friend is not afraid to show it so plz do not be afraid to show it (goochys daughter)

that was my youngest daughter who is 16 iam proud of daughter went through a terrible time before coming out now Chloes happy and enjoying her life again

an if your friends care about you they will be happy if your happy fear of rejection is a feeling we all have to fight with on both genders.
Try giving it more thought. Being a lesbian is tough. Are you sure you want to do that? You might want to try straight relationships before committing yourself.
rejection bites..but all I am thinking about is how lucky you a nice young fresh piece ...I want that more than any thing right now..I miss a nice piece...sorry I can answer your question I am in my own hell right ..maybe later...maybe never...I want out ..later..

You didn't tell us how old you are. The answer changes depending on how old you are.

EDIT: I am also a Christian. Please disreguard the answer just below my own. That person doesn't know what they are talking about.
I'm also a teen lesbian.

One of the downfalls of being gay is that acceptance isn't exactly something that you can count on, so waiting for her to approach you is not going to get you far. i NEVER approach a girl whom i suspect to be straight, for fear of the backlash. So if you're not out, this girl may think about you everyday but never approach you.

I recently told another lesbian, ';Um, i probably shouldn't tell you this, and i promise if you want i'll never say anything about it again and i'm so sorry but i really really like you and um...yeah.'; And that wasn't what i had planned to say, and she was already taken, but now we're friends because i let my gaurd down with her, and she knows she can trust me.

Go for it, Girl!!!
tell her ur a lesbian and ask her out.
um sweetie? ';nobody knows'; they do now, you just announced it on a message forum:D

In all seriousness? Go for it..all she can do is say no..good luck!
Why do you have to go out with someone anyways?? Trust me its not the end of the world if you dont make out with someone before youre 20 or whatever. If you really like her mayb you culd write to her but if she doesnot like you she might humiliate you by showing it to the world
Tell her u would like to have a serious talk with her. When u do this 1st tell her that u are nervous and that u don't want to be too forward or say or do something silly. Let her know that u understand that she's shy and u don't want her to think ur a silly or wierd person.

Then choose your words carefully and tell her how u feel.
Okay. The idea that she would approach you if she liked you is silly because you like her, and have you done any approaching? Just ask her. The only way to know is to ask.
Do not be afraid of rejection. It can only help you become a stronger person. I was like that with my girlfriend. Don't let your crush go.

She may want to approach you but is scared herself. How well do you know her? I mean if you are friends you could always go the movies with her - something that allows you to talk - you can talk about the movie afterwards and that will ease into general chit chat.

I know when I wanted to ask my girl out I asked her and her friend who was also my workmate to a movie. It ended up the only my girlfriend could come. Then we went from there. The fact that you invite two out and if your crush comes without her friends it is a fair indication.
If you are both too shy, not one will ever make the first move and you both may have missed out on a great relationship. Ask her out.
IF you Really want advice read the Bible and what GOD says about homosexuals not being in Heaven........unless they repent. One verse is in Revelation towards the end . It is a very unwise lifestyle that you will regret. No sin No Shame. Everyone can make bad choices but when you learn the Truth, I hope you see and understand. You will never regret doing whats right.
I know it's tough, but you need to get over your speech issue and just walk up and start a conversation with her. Try to do something together, like volunteer work or skateboarding. Give yourself opportunities and hopefully you or her will take the opening and ask the other out or something.
Are you sure you're a lesbian? Sometimes during teenage years feelings can be quite screwed up. It's those darn hormones.

However if you're absolutely sure, just approach her and tell her how you feel and that you really like her and take it from there.

Her reaction should tell you whether she thinks the same way

or not. Rejection is something you will eventually learn to live with because it would happen sooner or later. That's just life. You deal with it and let it go and go on to other things. No sense dwelling on it.
u know what why don't u approach her bcoz one thing you already know that shey's gay, at least you have a big chance.

don't be shy or awkward, you won't get anything.

try to have casual conversation so you won't feel awkward, after u get used to it you both can feel more comfortable to talk more.

congratulation ;)
Take it slow and ask her out for coffee(or something non threatening). Ask her about herself, listen to what she has to say. Don't tell her that you adore her, that would freak anyone out.

Risk love.
Don't let go of this crush. You said you haven't let anyone in on your being a lesbian, right? Your crush might not have the slightest idea, too! You just have to tell her outright that you have feelings for her. Too many what-ifs in the lesbian world, hon, believe me. You should just be honest with her, aight? Just tell her you've felt feelings of attraction towards her. Then take it from there. Best of luck!
I believe people who think they are lesbians at your age are a little ';misguided';. If you have had sex with a girl before,I can't blame you. The truth is we are only human sex is probable very pleasurable to everyone. So don't think just, because you've had sex with a girl and liked it your a lesbian. If you have sex with a guy you may realize you prefer that. I've never had sex,but if you like having sex with women more that may be a lesbian.

Also, for someone like me who is only 14 I realize

anything relating to sex,may be very tempting to try.

If you are unsure ask your parents what they think.

I have no idea why so many girls turn out to be lesbians at this age. Most boys won't turn gay,but that is how the world is. Please correct me if I'm wrong. If you are just looking for someone to have sex with,think long and hard about it.

From, Evan Nalepinski {NA-LIP-IN-SKI}
Just ask her.She might not be able to find another girl she likes, but start it off slow, don't run up and yell ';I ADORE YOU!';get to know her first.

Plus, there isn't anything to be ashamed about being gay.(I'm not but I'm talking about other people.)As my mama said,the only reason you ever need to be worried about being gay is if you were dating that person.(My mom said this when she heard that people changed their minds about voting for Clay Aiken in American Idol when they figured out he was gay)

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