Thursday, July 29, 2010

I am a terrified teenage, who needs pregnanancy advice, please help?!?

Right okay, this is going to take a long time for me to type out but please please please read it i really need some help!

I'l try set it out as easy as possible.

I have been on the cilest birth controll pill for 4/5 months, since the begining of May, i went on this because my periods were causing me huge agony, i was having to stay off school due to them, so i went on the pill so i did not miss any of my GCSE exams, to ease the pain of my periods down.

On friday the 28th of August, my boyfriend of 2 years both decided to have sex, for the first time. That month, i had taken my pill 9.00pm every single night without fail to be protected, we also used a condom.. HOWEVER, as i started to roll the condom on, i relised it was the wrong way round, it was only rolled about 1cm until i noticed and changed it imeadilty! I think that pre ejacultion may have been on the tip of that condom before it went inside me, which i know can get a girl pregnant, eek!

*Pre ejac may not have even been on there, its just that tiny possibilty there may have been which i will be pregnant!

Anyway moving on..

That day we had sex, i was 12 days into my pack. With 9 days left, i continued to take the pill each night, 9.00pm as before.

This was when the worries began, and i could not get it out of my head that i might have been pregnant. I was petrified to say the least.

I got my period as expected, it was regular and not vaginal bleeding, i was over the moon!

Not long after this i began to read up further into the subject, and read that you can still get your period when pregnant, this made me feel nasueous, and i became even more scared.

I then decided to go to my doctor for some proesional advice, she said and i quote 'i would bet my house on you not being pregnant!'

This gave me some confidence, and i began to forget the whole thing.

A month had passed and my period was due, this month i had took my pill again perfectly each night but we had NO SEX this month.

My period has came.. however..

*It was a day early, it usually comes on thursday but it came on wednesday.

*It is alot lighter than usuall

*However it still smells like a regular period (ew!)

*I still got the small pains that i usually get when my period is due

*The blood is a very dark red, as normal.

Could this be the pill just taking action in making my periods easier for me? Am i just over reacting?

I am writing this as i am curretnly off school, because i could not go because my period is making me urinate and poo constantly, i am really nervous and my tummy has butterflys and is making me sick.

I apprichiate any advice or help on this so much, seriously you would make my day! Thank you for your time reading my question! LOVE YOU ALL

*The condom we used to have sex did NOT tare, he did ejaculate into it but he wasn't even inside me at this point.

*When i first noticed my period is was a very light red, and 'spotting', but i guessed this was jut because i always notice it in the thursday morning, when it has like ALLL came out (eww again!)

THANKYOU!I am a terrified teenage, who needs pregnanancy advice, please help?!?
I'm with your doctor on this one. I would very surprised if you were in fact pregnant. I think you can relax.

On the other are a good role model for other teens. If you are going to have sex, at least you are being responsible. You are on the pill and using condoms and I think that's excellent!!I am a terrified teenage, who needs pregnanancy advice, please help?!?
You're not pregnant.

But, frankly, if having sex terrifies you this much, even when using two forms of contraception, why on earth are you having it?
Sounds like a normal reaction to the pills and you definitely aren't pregnant. So try to relax and just be sure to keep taking your pills.
Not trying to be rude stop freaking out. Your overreacting. Your not pregnant. Maybe you should stop having Sex if your not mature enough for it obviously your not.
no youve been on the pill quite awhile and its very much through your system i doubt your pregnant
You are not pregnant. it is refreshing to see that 16 year old kids are responsible enough not to just use the pill but to also use a condom. Well done. are on the pill

you are having periods

you are using condoms

There is no possible way you are pregnant, yeah.

Okay, why are you freaking out? That is the real question. The answer to that question is that you are not psychologically ready for sex. You need to take time off and stop having sex, it is going to damage your mental health. Sex is something that people do when they are mature enough to handle the consequences, including pregnancy, AIDS, and even broken heart. You are obviously not at that point. So tell your bf that you need a break. You will feel much better.
stop worrying're fine. By the way emotional stress and you being freaked out about the whole thing could have been what caused it to come a day early. When I'm really stressed can make it come early or just stop for a day..and i'm on the pill too.

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