Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Wrong section, but need advice (and not from a teenage girl - despite the type of Q)...?

Me and my boyfriend have a son who is almost 7 months old but we don't really have a relationship anymore. To be honest, I'm not really sure how or why we ever started dating in the first place. We are totally opposite and don't agree on hardly anything except how to raise our son. I still call him my ';boyfriend'; and he calls me his ';girlfriend'; but other than that we are pretty much just friends that happen to share one very important thing: Our son. I asked him just last night why we were still together and we both agreed it was pretty much because of a lack of a better idea. We have an apartment together but are currently living with my parents 1 1/2 hours from there because he couldn't find a job where we live. I love him but am certainly not ';in love'; with him and honestly I don't know if I'd have the heart to leave him because he lets me stay at home with our son and if we broke up I am almost certain I would have to stay with my parents longer than I want to and even though my mom doesn't work and hasn't since my brother was born (almost 10 years ago!) I'm sure they would make me find a job and just watch my son because I wouldn't be able to afford day care (which I'm very opposed to anyway).

Anyway, with all that said, I met a guy (he actually works with my boyfriend) who is absolutely perfect. He is everything I have ever wanted in a guy. He is gorgeous and loves all the things I love but my boyfriend hates. I know that sounds shallow but I really feel the need to get to know him. You know how people always talk about how they felt when they meet and see ';The One';? That's how I feel when I see this guy. My MOM saw him and (without knowing how I feel about him) said ';He is so cute! HE is the kind of guy I always thought you'd end up with! He seems perfect for you!'; and she hasn't stopped asking me when I'm going to go down and talk to him so we can go out on a date! And you know, they always say ';Mom knows best!';. :-)

OK, so my question is this: I am TERRIFIED of this guy. I can't hardly bring myself to open my mouth in front of him because I'm so nervous! I really want to get to know him or to go have a drink with him or SOMEthing but I don't know how! How on Earth can a mom attract a young guy who's got his whole life in front of him? I feel awfully used up and I've got TONS of stretch marks from pregnancy and I just don't feel pretty - my son STILL hasn't slept through the night. How can I make myself more confident and go for it? Or what can I say to him? I'm clueless! I've never had to work for a GUY before! Please help me! Tips, hints, clues to look for, ANYthing! And FYI - I am NOT a teenage girl OR a troll. I'm seriously asking the most lame question ever.

Sorry this is forever long. Thanks for reading and helping!!Wrong section, but need advice (and not from a teenage girl - despite the type of Q)...?
First of all dont talk to anyone utill u dump ur boyfriend u are asking to be labled! Are you sure u are not in love with him? Do not stay with someone u do not love just because they give u money! If u dont love him u need to seperate, and in a civilized manner Good luckWrong section, but need advice (and not from a teenage girl - despite the type of Q)...?
Sorry, but as long as your ';boyfriend'; and you are living together and he is supporting you, you have no business getting to know someone new who is perfect for you.

So either dump your ';boyfriend'; and then go after this guy (who may not even be remotely interested in being with a mom OR messing around with a coworkers baby-mama) or just give it up and be with your boyfriend.

You can't have both.
';And FYI - I am NOT a teenage girl';

Well, that's sort of up for debate -- you live with your parents and you're blithering on about a boyfriend and what your Mom thought of a cute guy and about getting nervous around a boy...

Get your sh!t together before even considering schtupping somebody else.

Being ';very opposed to'; day care is nice, but probably not realistic for you. Don't freeload off of and cheat on your, er, baby daddy.
How did you feel about your current boyfriend when you met him? Was he ';perfect';? The 5 Love Languages is a great book that explains the phenomenon, and could hel you connect with your current partner. 50% of marriages end in divorce and how many of them were with ';the one'; or ';love at first sight';? The romance and fireworks is all a crock of dung if you ask me. I've been married/with my hubby for 15 years and there have been plenty of ';perfect'; guys that I have met along the way. The truth is that within a couple of years, the perfect guy becomes boring or incompatible or whatever. Marriage and parenting isn't about fireworks. It's about partnership with a good friend.

1) You're still living with your for-lack-of-a-better-word boyfriend

2) This guy works with your boyfriend.

I wouldn't be in such a rush to get involved with someone else right now. Seriously. You've got a lot on your plate - and it's not that you have to turn into a cloistered nun when you're a mom, it's that your kid needs to come first. You need to deal with the practicalities here, and ___ or get off the pot where this quasi-relationship is concerned. If you aren't together as a couple for real, don't stay together. If you can't afford the apartment on your own, give it up and stay with your parents until you get back on your feet financially.

You need to deal with a formal, legal custody arrangement %26amp; child support. You need a job and income of your own - I know you want to stay home with your son but that may not be feasible for you right now. There's nothing wrong with day care, anyway. Or maybe your mom could look after your son while you're out at work. There are plenty of options.

At some point when the dust clears, maybe you and Mr. Perfect will actually be able to do something about it ...or maybe he won't seem so perfect then.

Good luck.

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